My Approach


I always let the client lead the way. I never go into a session thinking “this set of techniques is what will be best for you” but instead I listen to what your body is asking to work on that day and go from there with the skills and techniques I have.

Big Picture

While massage is often associated with relaxation, it is more than that. I strive to address underlying issues and think of massage as a tool for long-term solutions and change. Sometimes that could include recommendations such as a naturopath to address allergies, massage tools you can use at home, a pilates class or essential oils that work together with massage.

Root Cause Over Symptom

Together, we’ll listen to your body. A sore neck might guide me to your shoulder where a 20-year old ski injury remains. As I correct the muscles in your shoulder (the cause), maybe you’ll realize you haven’t noticed that pain in your neck anymore (the symptom). By determining and addressing the root cause, rather than the symptom, we create long-term change.

You are not a drop in the ocean.You are the entire ocean in a drop.
— Rumi