I believe that bodywork is a channel to the soul. Just as a lotus rises from the murky water below, blossoming into a beautiful flower, we are searching though the muddy waters of our life, to find our best selves.
I specialize in:
• Frozen shoulders
• Ongoing neck pain
• Migraines caused by tension headaches
ARSCS (Aromatic Real Self Centered Self)
This preventive modality is based on the concept that the body has a divine plan, healing at it’s own pace. While I cannot force the body to move before it’s ready, I can listen to the body to understand what needs to be released. Releases can be muscular, fascial, skeletal, emotional, mental, or even chemical. With the right preparation and tools, the body can then bring itself back to working order, healing from even the oldest, most persistent injuries. The saying goes, “I hope you get what you want, but I pray you get what you need.” These sessions are done fully clothed, using essential oils to help speed up the releasing process.
CranioSacral Therapy
The craniosacral system consists of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Extremely gentle, yet very powerful, CranioSacral therapy includes touch to assist the body with its own natural healing. During this treatment, you can expect deep relaxation while I spend time holding different points on your head and your sacrum. These sessions are done fully clothed or in combination with other treatments.
Deep Tissue Massage
This type of massage is designed to reach the deep portions thick muscles, specifically the individual muscle fibers, with the goal of releasing deeply-held patterns of tension. This technique begins with a moderate touch and progresses with more pressure. As the outer muscle fibers relax, the second and third layers of the muscle can be addressed.
Heated Stones
Stones are used in combination with the other modalities to warm the skin, bring relaxation quickly, aid in opening up the muscle fibers with comfort, and help flush toxins from the body.
Intuitive Touch
This work is really all about “tuning in” to the body’s unique needs, listening to those needs, and then responding to those needs with the tools that I have acquired over the years.
Swedish Massage
This fluid modality uses long, gliding strokes, soft movement and constant touch energy from the head, down and out through the hands and feet, encompassing the entire body. Light to medium pressure is used.
Essential Oils
Essential oils are the living substance that comes from the plant responsible for cellular energy production, growth, and cell repair. They also have a defense against viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Essential Oils are living essences that penetrate through the skin and help rebalance the body. They selectively reduce the toxins in the body and respect the beneficial flora of the intestines. And they smell really good too!